The Mongolian is the most notorious to the British, but originally they were the biggest empire in the history of the world. It was feared and for a good reason, They could have been even larger if their attempt to push into Gaza, Egypt was successful. The Mongolian empire is the most interesting to me, the were skilled with horseback riding and using bows while riding them, they were the only nation able to do that.
The were the fastest growing empire in the history of the world, it had nearly tripled in size in less than 10 years and was growing even more. Mongolia had spread to China and South Korea. And even pushed into Europe, having lands in modern day Ukraine and every European nation was attempting to stop them. The empire expanded even more into the Middle East and at this point it was beginning to stagnate, it tried to expand into Japan and their army died from a monsoon...twice. and it couldn't grow anymore. It tried to expand into Indonesia and still failed. Soon the Empire split up into the Golden Horde, Yuan Dynasty, and Timurid Empire. The Yuan Dynasty was the last remaining fragment of the Mongolian Empire and fell later on, thus ending Mongolian reign over China.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Poland and Lithuania have an interesting history together, they were once the biggest European nation in it's prime, until corruption overtook the nation and signaled its downfall and fell to the surrounding empires.Poland and Lithuania were extensive nations in their prime. Poland Stretched from the city of Gdansk all the way to Moldova. Lithuania, the bigger of the two grew from a giant power pool left by the Mongolians, this allowed Lithuania to become gigantic, even nearing the capital of Russia, Moscow.
Poland like every country during that time was a monarchy, Lithuania who was close allies to Poland eventually fell under a personal union. the two countries would soon unite after 80 or so years and it seemed like it would survive a long time, as it was pushing back Russia and taking lands it lost back from them. However their government was what doomed the empire. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had a Elective Monarchy, basically the government voted the king, you can sorta see the problem. The government got corrupt around the 1780's and they had to choose between to people and they honestly chose the terrible one, as they got richer because of it, this lead to the nation being very weak and soon Russia, Prussia and Austria annexed land from them. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was no more. In the modern world Poland and Lithuania are still allies but no one is sure if they still want what they were before.
Poland like every country during that time was a monarchy, Lithuania who was close allies to Poland eventually fell under a personal union. the two countries would soon unite after 80 or so years and it seemed like it would survive a long time, as it was pushing back Russia and taking lands it lost back from them. However their government was what doomed the empire. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had a Elective Monarchy, basically the government voted the king, you can sorta see the problem. The government got corrupt around the 1780's and they had to choose between to people and they honestly chose the terrible one, as they got richer because of it, this lead to the nation being very weak and soon Russia, Prussia and Austria annexed land from them. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was no more. In the modern world Poland and Lithuania are still allies but no one is sure if they still want what they were before.
Friday, March 31, 2017
How Portugal Could've Been The Greatest and Richest Superpower
Portugal during it's prime was a pretty big empire, it controlled all of modern day Brazil, but what was most interesting is that it had so many trading posts and this made the country rich. However Portugal, if it had been more assertive it would've been a superpower and would rival the British Empire at it's height. Portugal had a long desire to push into Africa and it failed, but what if it did?
Morocco was a rival of Portugal and always fought each other over the city of Tangiers, so let's say Portugal defeats Morocco, this would give the Portuguese a major victory and would instill imperialism inside the country, and then they would colonize Africa and the Americas.
That is one way they could've became a great power, but there was a slim chance it actually could've in our world. During it's height Portugal did have lots of trading post and did make an empire out of itself, however it always second guessed itself and this led to it not gaining any land (except for the lands given to it via Great Britain in the 1900's. Portugal wanted to push deeper into Africa as it had small colonies along the coast, little did they know, there was gold and if they had pushed into Africa, they would have dominated any opponent that stood in their way, there was gold and diamonds and it would've boosted Portugal's economy. Had Portugal Followed that Route, Portugal would be more of a superpower because of the lands it had gained in Africa, the Middle East and India and this would make Portugal a more extensive empire, one that would be feared. No one knows for certain what Portugal would've grown to become, sadly that is the curiosity of alternate history and will forever be.
Morocco was a rival of Portugal and always fought each other over the city of Tangiers, so let's say Portugal defeats Morocco, this would give the Portuguese a major victory and would instill imperialism inside the country, and then they would colonize Africa and the Americas.
That is one way they could've became a great power, but there was a slim chance it actually could've in our world. During it's height Portugal did have lots of trading post and did make an empire out of itself, however it always second guessed itself and this led to it not gaining any land (except for the lands given to it via Great Britain in the 1900's. Portugal wanted to push deeper into Africa as it had small colonies along the coast, little did they know, there was gold and if they had pushed into Africa, they would have dominated any opponent that stood in their way, there was gold and diamonds and it would've boosted Portugal's economy. Had Portugal Followed that Route, Portugal would be more of a superpower because of the lands it had gained in Africa, the Middle East and India and this would make Portugal a more extensive empire, one that would be feared. No one knows for certain what Portugal would've grown to become, sadly that is the curiosity of alternate history and will forever be.
The Roman Empire
The Roman Empire, a name that will forever be carved in European History, from the lands of Lothian, United Kingdom to Baghdad of Iraq. Perhaps the most advanced empire for its time, steel armor, the gladius sword, and the shield and this empire expanded fast throughout it time as a nation. At first it was a small city and then defeated the empire of Carthage and this set up the Roman Empire to becoming what it was in our history.
The Roman Empire after defeating Carthage in the Punic Wars, the young empire started expanding in modern day Spain, defeating all the barbarians in that area and then asserted into Europe even more, eventually taking Spain and spreading into Greece. The Roman Empire soon declared war on the Gauls and they managed to put up quite a fight against the Romans. However, the Romans still managed to beat them and now all of Modern day France was now a part of the empire. In the Balkans the Romans still expanded and was around a few hundred miles from what is now called Istanbul. The Romans eventually took Constantinople from the Greek city-states and now pushed into Asia, as far back as modern day Kuwait. They lost some land to the Parthians and got pushed back. Meanwhile in Egypt the Romans had all of Northern Africa, dealing with Cleopatra and her Egyptian nation. The Romans had a connected empire and still the giant was still desiring land and went up as far as modern day Crimea and the city of Azov. The Romans also expanded in modern day England and tried to push upwards into Scotland but were pushed back and eventually the Hadrian Wall was built to protect the lands the Romans already had on the isles. The empire was soon split up and the western part of the empire collapsed due to barbarians and now only the Byzantine empire was left and would last til 1453. The Roman Empire technically lasted from 453 b.c. to 1453 A.D from a date of its prime to experiencing the age of colonization.
The Roman Empire after defeating Carthage in the Punic Wars, the young empire started expanding in modern day Spain, defeating all the barbarians in that area and then asserted into Europe even more, eventually taking Spain and spreading into Greece. The Roman Empire soon declared war on the Gauls and they managed to put up quite a fight against the Romans. However, the Romans still managed to beat them and now all of Modern day France was now a part of the empire. In the Balkans the Romans still expanded and was around a few hundred miles from what is now called Istanbul. The Romans eventually took Constantinople from the Greek city-states and now pushed into Asia, as far back as modern day Kuwait. They lost some land to the Parthians and got pushed back. Meanwhile in Egypt the Romans had all of Northern Africa, dealing with Cleopatra and her Egyptian nation. The Romans had a connected empire and still the giant was still desiring land and went up as far as modern day Crimea and the city of Azov. The Romans also expanded in modern day England and tried to push upwards into Scotland but were pushed back and eventually the Hadrian Wall was built to protect the lands the Romans already had on the isles. The empire was soon split up and the western part of the empire collapsed due to barbarians and now only the Byzantine empire was left and would last til 1453. The Roman Empire technically lasted from 453 b.c. to 1453 A.D from a date of its prime to experiencing the age of colonization.
Will China become a Republic Once More?
China today is a communist nation, where the central government has all the power. However, China has an economic system that seems to represent a democracy. However it will be it's own type of democracy, more unique compared to the USA. However a republic wouldn't suit China as of today because there is so many poor areas that need to be improved and it harms the economy of China.
China's economic system isn't exactly like the United States, it is still monitored majorly by the government, but people are having some to little involvement in the economy. However people are having more of a say within the economy and it is making have a more capitalist structure and this is one of the major components for a democracy to form. In the Chinese Constitution it talks about democracy twice, stating how its goal is to form or develop a socialist democracy, no one knows how long this will take but it's one of their goals as a nation. This could take around 30 to 50 years as people are having more of a say, but due to poor areas and regions within the country it makes it harder to become or have a democratic government. Democracy has never been a fundamental part within Chinese history, there have only been celestial monarchy's to totalitarian regimes to a Communist regime, all of these have 1 ultimate ruler. No one will ever know when China will become a democracy, but when it does it could only make the sleeping giant even deadlier.
China's economic system isn't exactly like the United States, it is still monitored majorly by the government, but people are having some to little involvement in the economy. However people are having more of a say within the economy and it is making have a more capitalist structure and this is one of the major components for a democracy to form. In the Chinese Constitution it talks about democracy twice, stating how its goal is to form or develop a socialist democracy, no one knows how long this will take but it's one of their goals as a nation. This could take around 30 to 50 years as people are having more of a say, but due to poor areas and regions within the country it makes it harder to become or have a democratic government. Democracy has never been a fundamental part within Chinese history, there have only been celestial monarchy's to totalitarian regimes to a Communist regime, all of these have 1 ultimate ruler. No one will ever know when China will become a democracy, but when it does it could only make the sleeping giant even deadlier.
The Japanese Empire
The Japanese empire is quite notorious during World War II, and was put down by the Allies and the United States. The Japanese empire bombed the territory of Hawaii, in a area called Pear Harbor and this woke up the "Sleeping Giant" and by September 2, 1945, thus ending the Japanese Empire.
The Japanese Empire was the first modern Asian nation and it used that advantage to grow its empire. During this time Japan only controlled the lands it controls today. Japan wanted to gain Korea from the Qing Dynasty and at this point it was beginning to crumble, so Japan wanted to capitalize off of that weakness. So the countries fought each other and the Japanese had guns and the Qing Dynasty had some, but not enough so they were vastly outnumbered in the new technological weaponry. Japan won the war against the Qing Dynasty and gained all of Korea and Taiwan in the process. Japan was now a great power in the world, but in Asia alone was the only superpower (Not including Russia as an Asian nation). In 1905 hostilities began to ensue between the Russian Empire and Japan. Japan declared war on Russia, many thought that the Russians would win, but surprisingly the Japanese fought them back. Russia surrendered soon after, Russia lost a part of the Island of Sakhalin and in the process lost legitimacy among the people. The year is 1914 and World War I has broke out and chaos was ensuing in Europe, before 1905 Japan and the British Empire had signed for an alliance, due to the alliance system, Japan asked Great Britain if they wanted help could they join, the British agreed and the Japanese got prepared for war and helped the British on numerous occasions, especially in the Arabian Sea and near Indonesia. WW1 ended and Japan gained small islands that further extended its lands, dozens of small islands were handed to the Japanese, but this would prove dangerous for the United States during World War II. In 1933 the Second Sino-Japanese War had begun and this time Japan moved deeper into China, making puppets out of Manchuko and Mengkukuo, as during this time China had broken apart and there was doubt about the future of China as a country. Japan moved in, to signify its role in the world but this time, China had the same technology. Japan stilled moved deeper and deeper into China and was gaining a surplus amount of land. The U.S stopped trading with Japan and Japan needed America for it's oil, America also froze all Japanese assets, which what's interesting to me is that doing that action is considered breaking an international law. Japan's army halted, still pushing but not at a rate they used to. The year is 1941 and Europe is in flames because of World War II and Japan committed an act "that would live in infamy". This action would cause the end of the Japanese empire and is the largest Maritime Asian Empire in history, but in the present day it pushes for peace above all.

Monday, March 27, 2017
For Honor: The Shugoki (Lore) and What I Love About Him
The Shugoki is a fearsome samurai, big in size and wields a weapon no other man can wield. The weapon is difficult for him to even pick up, but that doesn't mean he can't use it effectively. when faced with a enemy the Shugoki swings his weapon, with such ferocity that the enemy can't block his attack and has been known to charge at someone and break their spine. It shows how powerful he is and he does this all because he wants to preserve peace.
Shugoki should be feared on the battlefield with good reason, everyone should be aware that he will not back down until he draws his last breath.
I personally think Shugoki is amazing when you play as him, but you have to play smart. One fatal mistake, such as missing a charge and the enemy can win, but that doesn't mean you can't use it, you just have to be aware of the area around you. You have to use architecture and walls to your advantage, shove an enemy into the wall and charge and watch the magic happen. Always be passive-aggressive, be passive and wait for the enemy to make a mistake and parry their attack then assert your aggressiveness. This will show the opponent that you are meant to be feared on the battle field, patience is the victor, as you can capitalize off your opponents mistake and can make them second guess themselves, and that is when you can play mind games with your opponent. If played in the right hands, Shugoki is capable of almost anything. Slow in speed, but punishes those who think they can outsmart him.
Shugoki should be feared on the battlefield with good reason, everyone should be aware that he will not back down until he draws his last breath.
I personally think Shugoki is amazing when you play as him, but you have to play smart. One fatal mistake, such as missing a charge and the enemy can win, but that doesn't mean you can't use it, you just have to be aware of the area around you. You have to use architecture and walls to your advantage, shove an enemy into the wall and charge and watch the magic happen. Always be passive-aggressive, be passive and wait for the enemy to make a mistake and parry their attack then assert your aggressiveness. This will show the opponent that you are meant to be feared on the battle field, patience is the victor, as you can capitalize off your opponents mistake and can make them second guess themselves, and that is when you can play mind games with your opponent. If played in the right hands, Shugoki is capable of almost anything. Slow in speed, but punishes those who think they can outsmart him.
For Honor: The Lawbringer (Lore) and What I love about him
The Lawbringer, the very name gives a sense of justice and righteousness and for good reason. The Lawbringer is a man who is feared on the battlefield, always patient waiting for the enemy to strike first, they will parry the attacker and show ruthless aggression afterwards. They wait for the enemy to make a mistake first then they move in. Their weapon: A poleaxe, a weapon that would make most men run in the opposite direction but for the few that decide to fight him only fall on the field of battle. His armor is unique in comparison to his fellow knights, a special design for his order and the steel he wears is nearly impenetrable.
I main a Lawbringer, he is iconic to me. he is the ultimate patience test. In order the play him you need to have patience, everyone strikes attempting to win the match, but when your enemy always focuses on winning they often make the simplest mistake, and this is where Lawbringer thrives. You can parry the enemy's attack and deal a lot of damage to your opponent and this will have the opponent second guessing themselves and then you can be assertive and continue to pressure them. Most of time this works and I have beaten many foes that I have came across, It got so intense that everyone would run away from me because I understand what it takes to play that character. As I always say "Patience is the ultimate key to beating a foe", and interestingly enough, I did that with all characters and it worked for me.
I main a Lawbringer, he is iconic to me. he is the ultimate patience test. In order the play him you need to have patience, everyone strikes attempting to win the match, but when your enemy always focuses on winning they often make the simplest mistake, and this is where Lawbringer thrives. You can parry the enemy's attack and deal a lot of damage to your opponent and this will have the opponent second guessing themselves and then you can be assertive and continue to pressure them. Most of time this works and I have beaten many foes that I have came across, It got so intense that everyone would run away from me because I understand what it takes to play that character. As I always say "Patience is the ultimate key to beating a foe", and interestingly enough, I did that with all characters and it worked for me.
My Problem with Some Politicians in the Modern Day.
I've always wanted to be a political scientist, the job interests me so much, however I have a problem with politicians. There is only two problems I have with them and those are, being all talk but no action and the base everything on the future. At some point in life you will have an opinion on a certain subject and it's your purpose to defend your opinion. Most politicians always have a big mouth and want to share what they want for the country and its people and they desire to make it better for everyone. When they win presidency or get a seat in Senate, they don't stick to what they said before and end up doing more harm than good. Why say you're going to make this country better but in the end, you only did it for the votes. However, this is not my main problem.
My main problem with most politicians are the fact that they base literally everything on the future. I can understand that we need to be more advanced than the enemy but that's not my point. My point is that they focus to much on the future that they neglect to reflect on history and understand its importance, it's not there just to remind us of what happened. It's there to teach us a lesson or human desire and the effects of war. No one wants war and I am a firm believer in that however, history is always made when a country defends their homeland. I will always try to be different, I want to remove the barrier between politicians and the citizens, and that's starting to become a problem to me as well.
Speeches of the past were more emotional, it felt like that person took their time and dedication to pour out their feelings into that speech. Today, all the speeches are wrote out on paper and they presenter speaks in a monotone voice and it seems like he doesn't want to be there. the people there don't learn and aren't being informed of things currently going on, etc. I want to be emotional and show the people that I care for them, that they have a purpose in this world, rich or poor. I want to instill pride into the people and give them a reason to be politically involved in everything. However, that is a long way away and I don't know when that day will come, but for now we wait.
My main problem with most politicians are the fact that they base literally everything on the future. I can understand that we need to be more advanced than the enemy but that's not my point. My point is that they focus to much on the future that they neglect to reflect on history and understand its importance, it's not there just to remind us of what happened. It's there to teach us a lesson or human desire and the effects of war. No one wants war and I am a firm believer in that however, history is always made when a country defends their homeland. I will always try to be different, I want to remove the barrier between politicians and the citizens, and that's starting to become a problem to me as well.
Speeches of the past were more emotional, it felt like that person took their time and dedication to pour out their feelings into that speech. Today, all the speeches are wrote out on paper and they presenter speaks in a monotone voice and it seems like he doesn't want to be there. the people there don't learn and aren't being informed of things currently going on, etc. I want to be emotional and show the people that I care for them, that they have a purpose in this world, rich or poor. I want to instill pride into the people and give them a reason to be politically involved in everything. However, that is a long way away and I don't know when that day will come, but for now we wait.
The Russian Empire
The Russian Empire is quite notorious for its size and was one of if not the strongest nation in the world for a century. Ivan the IV changed the Duchy of Muscovy into what is now Russia. Under Ivan's leadership Russia expanded southward near the Caucasus and the Black Sea. Russia was not really seen as a great power until Catherine the Great took over, seeing as "Great" is in her name, you can imagine she did great things for Russia and she did. She expanded Russia deeper into Europe after the Napoleonic Wars. You could say Russia loved land, as they finished the exploration of Siberia some time after the Napoleonic wars. Russia during this time was a leading global power and was feared by Europe. This eventually lead to the Crimean War. This war was The British, French, and Ottoman empires against Russia, the most intimidating part about this war was that Russia still pushed back the invaders and the invaders saw little success. Until the British Empire was officially involved in the war and soon Russia was slowly pushed back from the Crimean area. Russia lost this war and it didn't put the empire in a crumbling state, but those 3 empires only halted its expansion. Russia began to expand more into Asia and bordered modern day Iran and Afghanistan. The year was 1914 and tensions arose between the European powers and everyone was at each others throats.
Then on July 28th 1914, The Great War had begun and Russia had the 4th strongest economy at this time, but was having problems internally. Russia was being pushed back by the Germans and everyone thought Russia would be able to handle the new empire. Russia fell into civil war and signed peace with the Central Powers. The Communist party eventually won the civil war and was now in a new era. A Soviet era.
Then on July 28th 1914, The Great War had begun and Russia had the 4th strongest economy at this time, but was having problems internally. Russia was being pushed back by the Germans and everyone thought Russia would be able to handle the new empire. Russia fell into civil war and signed peace with the Central Powers. The Communist party eventually won the civil war and was now in a new era. A Soviet era.
Friday, February 17, 2017
My View on the Game: For Honor
For Honor is a recently released game that came out on February 14th, 2017 and it seems to me revolutionary. Why you may ask well there is a lot of proof that it is, the combat system, combing foreign cultures into one game that actually seem to have a chance against one another.
For honor takes place on a continent, it is not specific on what planet their on or continent. The main point of the game is the type of factions that are on that continent which are 3. The 3 factions are Samurai, Knights, and the Vikings. I see this as a realistic standoff, as all the factions are built up to what they were in the past, the Knights were armored to the teeth with steel, the Samurai have armor but they are light on their feet and can dodge attacks easily, while the Vikings have minimal Armor and are armed with a weapon or a set of weapons. Why I love this game so much is that is explains why Vikings have a dangerous weapon and have minimal armor as well as explaining in a detailed fashion about the other factions. Without further wait, I will explain the lore of why these three factions are at war with one another.
When you first start the single player you are told of a womanly figure known as Apollyon and she wants war more than anything else to "Show the true side of people". The Knights are the first to join her ranks and lead an attack on the vikings and the vikings are being pushed to the brink, however she is trying to start war with all the factions, so she starves to clans and they began to turn on each other. This leads to the vikings invading the Samurai, and the newly crowned leader of the vikings, says "This is what made us Vikings"while leading a raid onto the coastal city. The Samurai then have a 2 front war and a prisoner of the emperor was actually his champion and he is released by his fellow allies. He leads the charge against both Vikings and Knights and united the Samurai and pushes back both factions and restores the Samurai. The Samurai reaches Apollyon's Castle and all three factions have rose up against her and desire peace once and for all. The Samurai managed to get to Apollyon and the Orochi (Newly crowned emperor) goes face to face with her. The fight is arduous and difficult, but luckily Orochi defeats Apollyon and this most important part begins. All three factions have beaten Apollyon, but a stare down happens between all the factions, it seemed like peace then soldiers charged at one another and war broke out between the factions once more, Apollyon had truly destroyed the trust between the factions and it seemed like it was going to be a war not for blood, not for gold nor land, but For Honor.
For honor takes place on a continent, it is not specific on what planet their on or continent. The main point of the game is the type of factions that are on that continent which are 3. The 3 factions are Samurai, Knights, and the Vikings. I see this as a realistic standoff, as all the factions are built up to what they were in the past, the Knights were armored to the teeth with steel, the Samurai have armor but they are light on their feet and can dodge attacks easily, while the Vikings have minimal Armor and are armed with a weapon or a set of weapons. Why I love this game so much is that is explains why Vikings have a dangerous weapon and have minimal armor as well as explaining in a detailed fashion about the other factions. Without further wait, I will explain the lore of why these three factions are at war with one another.
When you first start the single player you are told of a womanly figure known as Apollyon and she wants war more than anything else to "Show the true side of people". The Knights are the first to join her ranks and lead an attack on the vikings and the vikings are being pushed to the brink, however she is trying to start war with all the factions, so she starves to clans and they began to turn on each other. This leads to the vikings invading the Samurai, and the newly crowned leader of the vikings, says "This is what made us Vikings"while leading a raid onto the coastal city. The Samurai then have a 2 front war and a prisoner of the emperor was actually his champion and he is released by his fellow allies. He leads the charge against both Vikings and Knights and united the Samurai and pushes back both factions and restores the Samurai. The Samurai reaches Apollyon's Castle and all three factions have rose up against her and desire peace once and for all. The Samurai managed to get to Apollyon and the Orochi (Newly crowned emperor) goes face to face with her. The fight is arduous and difficult, but luckily Orochi defeats Apollyon and this most important part begins. All three factions have beaten Apollyon, but a stare down happens between all the factions, it seemed like peace then soldiers charged at one another and war broke out between the factions once more, Apollyon had truly destroyed the trust between the factions and it seemed like it was going to be a war not for blood, not for gold nor land, but For Honor.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Austria-Hungary and the Problems it Faced Internally
When people think of Austria-Hungary many historians will point out the fact that it had ethnic problems, and why they were so major. They give evidence to support their claim like the Hungarian rebellion, which the Austrians had to appease the rebels by adding Hungary to the Austrian Empire. I will go in depth about the internal problems but about how it reached the peak of these problems.
The peak of these internal hostilities started during World War 1, Austria was on the brink of collapse, Russia from the east destroyed Austrian morale and the German took command of their army soon after 1915. Austria saw great success under German leadership, as Russia was being pushed back, the Balkans were finally under Central Power occupation with help from the newly allied Bulgaria and only annexed portions of land that had large ethnic Bulgarians from countries that joined the war against them. The point of the war they would either break or unify the country, it was on the Alpine Mountains between Italy and Austria-Hungary. Austria pushed into the mountains and nearly took the city of Venezia or Venice. This managed to hold the empire together for a few months and it looked like Austria would stay together during the war, then the United States of America got involved and in the 28th day of October, 1918 Austria Hungary officially surrendered, after a battering and crushing offensive pressed by the Italians. The empire was crumbling and the treaties would be unfair to the Austrians losing up to 80% of the land they had before the war.

Why am I fascinated with History?
I am always asked this question by my fellow colleagues and friends and I can only answer by saying the ironic events that have transpired and how the good guy almost never wins the war, I just love the what ifs in history and I will always be intrigued by it. History is like my home, whenever I can take a break from college or any other school-related activity, I will always be on Youtube watching and learning about the History of other nations and the wars that have transpired over the years and I want to make sure the the dust settles on those past events.
I love the development of equality among people, and the background of how equality adapted and shaped to what it truly said. History can be tricky sometimes and I love seeking answers most would disregard because they were just told to believe certain things based on videos that never covered both sides of the story, a prime example is Word War One, which I love having a different opinion on who should of won, but that doesn't change my opinion on how terrible it was for individuals and families, I believe every war future, present, and past will and forever shall remain terrible. There is always a price to pay in history for good or for bad. I gain knowledge about what I believe in when I get my future job and how it affects my daily life as I get older. I strive to be different some people just ignore me because of my views and it hurts me because I can never get to explain my point of view and I can't give them proof because I am always given snarky comments and can never finish what I am saying.
Regardless of my views everyone can agree with me that history can favor one side and that history has its terrible moments, and no one can prevent history it is made every single day and that's how it will always be. The past isn't means for us to use it against each other, but a tool to use for unification among all peoples for a better future and better ourselves as a whole.
I love the development of equality among people, and the background of how equality adapted and shaped to what it truly said. History can be tricky sometimes and I love seeking answers most would disregard because they were just told to believe certain things based on videos that never covered both sides of the story, a prime example is Word War One, which I love having a different opinion on who should of won, but that doesn't change my opinion on how terrible it was for individuals and families, I believe every war future, present, and past will and forever shall remain terrible. There is always a price to pay in history for good or for bad. I gain knowledge about what I believe in when I get my future job and how it affects my daily life as I get older. I strive to be different some people just ignore me because of my views and it hurts me because I can never get to explain my point of view and I can't give them proof because I am always given snarky comments and can never finish what I am saying.
Regardless of my views everyone can agree with me that history can favor one side and that history has its terrible moments, and no one can prevent history it is made every single day and that's how it will always be. The past isn't means for us to use it against each other, but a tool to use for unification among all peoples for a better future and better ourselves as a whole.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017
The French Empire
The French Empire was destined to be what Great Britain became in the future. France before it suffered the Revolutionary Wars and eventually the Napoleonic Wars, was a leading continental power, and was the second largest colonial power, next to Spain. France had lands in Canada and the United States. It was currently dominating economically and militarily except for their navy, Which the British happened to have. The French Empire is still crucial and talked about in modern society and sometimes discussed in politics. What exactly would've happened had the French won the Seven-years war, what if the French never lost superpower status to Great Britain, well I can answer it for you.
The French and British in the modern day are considered allies as of now, but they've had a troubled past, they were once rivals with each other, wanting colonial dominance to see who was the true superpower among the two. The decline of France's colonial empire start with the Seven Years War. They seemed to be winning the war, which was fought around the entire world, and some individuals consider it to be the first World War. Battles raged in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Naturally France was losing some of the colonial battles but still won some of them. Ultimately France lost, and now only had French Louisiana. This is the point where the British seemed to have the upper hand and would be the superpower of that era for sure now. However the French somehow gained another shot at being the true superpower during the Napoleonic Wars. During this war Napoleon Bonaparte seemed to have all of Europe under his boot or under his influence. Sadly for the French people Napoleon lost and France, however still being one of the strongest nations lost its competition against Great Britain. But What if the French Won?
If Napoleon had gained a victory against Russia, France would be the dominant power and Great Britain would have no choice but to surrender, as Great Britain traded with the Russians most of the time during the 1800's. We would see a bigger France that would stretch from Lisbon(Portugal) to Warsaw(Poland) and the French would have it's culture be spread across Europe, as most German states had no idea what to do during this era. If France won against the British, we would see a more influential France, possibly see India united by France and have more African Colonies.
If Napoleon had gained a victory against Russia, France would be the dominant power and Great Britain would have no choice but to surrender, as Great Britain traded with the Russians most of the time during the 1800's. We would see a bigger France that would stretch from Lisbon(Portugal) to Warsaw(Poland) and the French would have it's culture be spread across Europe, as most German states had no idea what to do during this era. If France won against the British, we would see a more influential France, possibly see India united by France and have more African Colonies.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Empire, is a empire that should instantly pop into the heads of people who are intrigued about history, the most feared empire during its height in the 1600's and had its reasons to be feared. The Ottoman Empire was a surprise to the world during 1453, the capital of the Byzantine Empire, was take and now named the capital of the new empire. The Ottoman Empire officially ended the Roman Empire or the fragment of what it once was. Now the Ottomans seemed to have an empire destined for themselves, Eastern Europe was weaker and the middle east was filled with broken empires and remnants of the Mongolian hordes had and were dissolving.
The Ottoman Empire looked to expand in the Balkan region, so it went to war with its neighbors which was Serbia, Bosnia, Wallachia, and the lands controlled by Venice. The empire conquered those lands in the span of a few years, setting up a vassal state in the progress. During that time, it went to war with the Islamic nation known as Mamluks, many thought that the young empire would meet its end, as the Mamluks was still one of the strongest nations in the middle east. To every nations surprise the Ottomans won and annexed the entire region. It gained lands to modern day Algeria while Expanding in Africa. It went as west as Iraq although it went further, they were always pushed back to that general location. The Ottoman Empire was heavily involved in Europe and at its peak it bordered modern day Austria and nearly took the city of Vienna from them, but was pushed back by the Polish. From that point forward the Ottomans began to decay slowly, however still a superpower, many European nations the empire had conquered desired independence. During the year of 1877 the Russo-Turkish war broke out, the Ottomans were utterly devastated, by the independence of Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro, and Romania. Luckily the German Empire got involved and wanted to make a peace treaty that would ease tensions and not give Russia major influence on the Balkan region.
The year is 1912 and the Italo-Turkish war would break out, the navy of the Ottoman Empire would be tested in this war and it turned out that the navy wasn't so frightening after all, Italy won the war and gained Libya and Rhodes. The Ottomans were now broken, leaving the Balkan powers a chance to push the empire out of Europe. It worked, but the powers then declared war on Bulgaria. The Ottomans got involved and took some chunks of it's land back. The year is now 1914 and the month is October, World War One has been raging for a few weeks and the Ottomans wanted war with Russia. Russia was losing the war against the Central Powers, as internal conflicts were starting to break out. The Ottomans joined and had a goal, to prove to everyone that they were still relevant in the modern world. In 1918, the Ottomans officially laid down their arms and became a republic soon after. Turkey was created and now, would it prove to be better than the ottomans and stand the test of time, or was it going to decay like its former self.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
What country would I visit
Everyone has a love for visiting countries, whether it is just for fun or just for understanding the history and the culture of other countries, it is different throughout the world. I love the history if other countries and its unique views and areas that intrigue the mind and make us feel like this is a once in a lifetime event. So what exactly is my favorite country personally and why do I like it?
Honestly, my favorite country that I would love to visit is Japan, I have never been there personally but the pictures I have seen are one of kind, the architecture is appealing and intriguing to me. It is so beautiful, the people there are so nice and respect you for coming and experiencing their way of life. Their way of life is so interesting, the food they eat seems delightful and unique. I've always wanted to see how they have developed as a country, and understand how government affects the people, is it a worthwhile experience to live there. I always ask what is Japan like, because that is where I have always wanted to go. Recently my parents and I have always wanted to go to another country to visit, we want to get out and explore differences is foods and cultures by going deeper into their understanding and to experience it personally. Until then, I will dream, when will the dream come true? That is an answer for later in life.
Honestly, my favorite country that I would love to visit is Japan, I have never been there personally but the pictures I have seen are one of kind, the architecture is appealing and intriguing to me. It is so beautiful, the people there are so nice and respect you for coming and experiencing their way of life. Their way of life is so interesting, the food they eat seems delightful and unique. I've always wanted to see how they have developed as a country, and understand how government affects the people, is it a worthwhile experience to live there. I always ask what is Japan like, because that is where I have always wanted to go. Recently my parents and I have always wanted to go to another country to visit, we want to get out and explore differences is foods and cultures by going deeper into their understanding and to experience it personally. Until then, I will dream, when will the dream come true? That is an answer for later in life.
Monday, January 23, 2017
The Holy Roman Empire
In the pictures shown above is the HRE or the Holy Roman Empire. As you can see in the picture, the nation of Prussia and the empire of Austria have small states wedged between them. Before 1870 ( The formation of Germany), Austria and Prussia are locked in a cold stare. Both are wanting to annex the small stated in between them and many of those states want unification with both countries. Northern Germany wanted to unite with Prussia, while Southern Germany wanted to join Austria, as many didn't have faith in the rising empire. In the years of 700-1000 A.D All of modern day Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Northern Italy, Netherlands, and half of modern day Poland. This country always had disputes with the new nation of France, both were fighting for more land. France was often beaten, but would always retaliate and win, this ultimately led to breaking up into small nations. Now in the 1960's the HRE would be unified again, either under Austria and Prussia. Thus, began the Seven Days War Prussia surprisingly beat the Austrian Empire, during the first day. Austria surrendered and was kicked out of the HRE, and during this Prussia united Northern Germany, and now Southern Germany was now the newly formed North German Federation. The Franco-Prussian War, resulting in a victory for now the united Germany, colonies were now set up for the German Empire, and they seemed to be the new superpower. World War One would happen, Germany nearly won the war, until America got involved.
Friday, January 20, 2017
The Third Political Superpower No One Ever Talked About (Post-WWII Era)
The Third Political Superpower No One Ever Talked About (Post-WWII Era)
When people think of the Cold War, many will say it was a war between Democracy and Communism. They will also say it was between the United States of America and the United Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Not many people however realize there was actually a third political superpower during that time, but only for a short time. During September 1st, 1939, Great Britain took action against the invasion of Poland by the Third German Reich. By 1940 France, a empire who was said to be one of the most feared of nations was beaten in less than 2 months. This broke the French and the colonies they had acquired through the centuries. Great Britain though held firm and would "Never Surrender", and they did exactly that. After WWII officially ended, peace officially rose over the horizon, but tensions rose again.
The Soviet Union occupied Almost all of Eastern Europe (all but the Greek Republic), and a "Iron Curtain" was set upon Europe. The U.S. became a political superpower and so did the USSR and they battled to see who was the true superpower. Great Britain although in debt and weakened by the war, they were still meant to be feared. They were, for awhile the biggest empire in history but, this time they would crumble. Great Britain until 1953 was still a world power because it had enough industry and resources to compete with both the US and USSR. Due to a series of events and the "Decolonization" policy that took place in the empire, the empire was rapidly losing land in Africa, as well as Australia and North America. In 1947 India gained independence from the empire and the British suffered heavily for it and lost many resources from that event. One can only wonder what it would of been like if Great Britain managed took keep most if not some of the land it had before WWII, but in any case it would of happened regardless.
Great Britain still being a superpower would have been beneficial to the US, but many can't speculate what tension would have rose because of Great Britain still being involved. Regardless, the sun had finally set on the British Empire.
When people think of the Cold War, many will say it was a war between Democracy and Communism. They will also say it was between the United States of America and the United Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Not many people however realize there was actually a third political superpower during that time, but only for a short time. During September 1st, 1939, Great Britain took action against the invasion of Poland by the Third German Reich. By 1940 France, a empire who was said to be one of the most feared of nations was beaten in less than 2 months. This broke the French and the colonies they had acquired through the centuries. Great Britain though held firm and would "Never Surrender", and they did exactly that. After WWII officially ended, peace officially rose over the horizon, but tensions rose again.
The Soviet Union occupied Almost all of Eastern Europe (all but the Greek Republic), and a "Iron Curtain" was set upon Europe. The U.S. became a political superpower and so did the USSR and they battled to see who was the true superpower. Great Britain although in debt and weakened by the war, they were still meant to be feared. They were, for awhile the biggest empire in history but, this time they would crumble. Great Britain until 1953 was still a world power because it had enough industry and resources to compete with both the US and USSR. Due to a series of events and the "Decolonization" policy that took place in the empire, the empire was rapidly losing land in Africa, as well as Australia and North America. In 1947 India gained independence from the empire and the British suffered heavily for it and lost many resources from that event. One can only wonder what it would of been like if Great Britain managed took keep most if not some of the land it had before WWII, but in any case it would of happened regardless.
Great Britain still being a superpower would have been beneficial to the US, but many can't speculate what tension would have rose because of Great Britain still being involved. Regardless, the sun had finally set on the British Empire.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Who should of won World War 1? My Opinion With Information.
World War 1 is the first global war fought with modern equipment and many people feel like the United States shouldn't have gotten involved. Many people who agree the United States should of joined the war, always say we would have never been the "superpower" we are today, and the Germans used Unrestricted Submarine Warfare. There are a lot of examples of why we shouldn't have gotten involved, we joined the war mainly because of favoritism. So lets dig in deeper about this lightly touched subject.
A news article in the United States talked about the British denying the U.S to trade with Germany, and the U.S. obeyed those orders by the British. When the Germans circled around the British Isles, the Germans told them to stop, the United States disobeyed the Germans orders and lives were lost. The United States now had a reason for a declaration for war. So in Spring of 1917, the U.S declared war on the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.). The Russian Empire surrendered before the U.S could join the war, because of the Revolution that was about to take place. Germany now had 1 front...the Western Front. Germany was able to send hundreds of thousands of troops to the Western Front, American troops arrived just in time to repel the "Kaiserschlatt"(Kaiser's Battle) Offensive. Germany and the Central powers surrendered around the time of October 4th-November 11th, 1918. So let's go into why I believe the German Empire should have won the war for the Central Powers.
The Central Powers were vastly outnumbered it was 4 countries against almost everyone else. The Allied Powers were threatening Greece for not being involved in the war by refusing to trade with them until they would give land where Allied troops could station themselves. By 1916, the Central Powers were winning the "War to end all Wars". Great Britain was considering surrender because of the 1 week food supply to its citizens, and food was running dry from the German blockade. The Central Powers worked hard to protect its citizens but even they suffered food shortages. The point is later on the "Zimmerman Telegram" was "sent" to Mexico to join the Central Powers, if the U.S got involved. This can be proven wrong, Mexico was having serious internal problems with its government. This event was quite known for those problems. Regardless, The U.S was threatening Germany for what Great Britain did to the Germans. The U.S wanted a declaration of war in order to "preserve peace"-Woodrow Wilson.
We will never know what the outcome would've been if the Central Powers won WW1. There is a video on plans the Central Powers planned to take, and they weren't that bad as the Treaty of Versailles. This is the present day now, WW1 has long past and that is history. Even though it was brutal and sad during those times. I still feel bad about the Germans working hard and trying their best to win the war, but when the did what the British did to them, it's just sad. Regardless, I believe everyone is happy that the war just lasted 4 years and not longer, I agree with that assumption I just don't like the outcome.
A news article in the United States talked about the British denying the U.S to trade with Germany, and the U.S. obeyed those orders by the British. When the Germans circled around the British Isles, the Germans told them to stop, the United States disobeyed the Germans orders and lives were lost. The United States now had a reason for a declaration for war. So in Spring of 1917, the U.S declared war on the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.). The Russian Empire surrendered before the U.S could join the war, because of the Revolution that was about to take place. Germany now had 1 front...the Western Front. Germany was able to send hundreds of thousands of troops to the Western Front, American troops arrived just in time to repel the "Kaiserschlatt"(Kaiser's Battle) Offensive. Germany and the Central powers surrendered around the time of October 4th-November 11th, 1918. So let's go into why I believe the German Empire should have won the war for the Central Powers.

We will never know what the outcome would've been if the Central Powers won WW1. There is a video on plans the Central Powers planned to take, and they weren't that bad as the Treaty of Versailles. This is the present day now, WW1 has long past and that is history. Even though it was brutal and sad during those times. I still feel bad about the Germans working hard and trying their best to win the war, but when the did what the British did to them, it's just sad. Regardless, I believe everyone is happy that the war just lasted 4 years and not longer, I agree with that assumption I just don't like the outcome.
Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls IV
Video games throughout its time has been developing into a more open world experience for the individuals who play them, and Skyrim is a pivotal moment in that experience. Skyrim is a video game made from Bethesda Softworks, who have made this game the fourth edition to this style of gameplay. Bethesda is notorious for making video games such as this, another example of this is Fallout. The main point of this is about Skyrim, so I will go in depth about what I think about it, and how I feel about it.
Skyrim is unique in its own way, it has its own history, heavenly bodies and demonic entities. What makes this game stand out to me, is that it was the first open world game I have played. It has its own story, where an unlikely hero forges a destiny for himself to end the "World Eater" Alduin, a dragon said to destroy Tamriel in a prophecy. There is so much lore in the game and it takes days to learn the whole concept of it, which also shows that the developers of this game are really devoted to the game and makes it more interesting. You can explore basically an entire country and it takes a long time to gain armor and weapons for your hero, and in a way you feel connected to them. I really enjoy the game and its aspects of gameplay for that very reason. Time has passed and I have grown weary of it. That is until the remastered edition came out, now I continue to have adventures in this game.
Skyrim is unique in its own way, it has its own history, heavenly bodies and demonic entities. What makes this game stand out to me, is that it was the first open world game I have played. It has its own story, where an unlikely hero forges a destiny for himself to end the "World Eater" Alduin, a dragon said to destroy Tamriel in a prophecy. There is so much lore in the game and it takes days to learn the whole concept of it, which also shows that the developers of this game are really devoted to the game and makes it more interesting. You can explore basically an entire country and it takes a long time to gain armor and weapons for your hero, and in a way you feel connected to them. I really enjoy the game and its aspects of gameplay for that very reason. Time has passed and I have grown weary of it. That is until the remastered edition came out, now I continue to have adventures in this game.
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