The Shugoki is a fearsome samurai, big in size and wields a weapon no other man can wield. The weapon is difficult for him to even pick up, but that doesn't mean he can't use it effectively. when faced with a enemy the Shugoki swings his weapon, with such ferocity that the enemy can't block his attack and has been known to charge at someone and break their spine. It shows how powerful he is and he does this all because he wants to preserve peace.
Shugoki should be feared on the battlefield with good reason, everyone should be aware that he will not back down until he draws his last breath.
I personally think Shugoki is amazing when you play as him, but you have to play smart. One fatal mistake, such as missing a charge and the enemy can win, but that doesn't mean you can't use it, you just have to be aware of the area around you. You have to use architecture and walls to your advantage, shove an enemy into the wall and charge and watch the magic happen. Always be passive-aggressive, be passive and wait for the enemy to make a mistake and parry their attack then assert your aggressiveness. This will show the opponent that you are meant to be feared on the battle field, patience is the victor, as you can capitalize off your opponents mistake and can make them second guess themselves, and that is when you can play mind games with your opponent. If played in the right hands, Shugoki is capable of almost anything. Slow in speed, but punishes those who think they can outsmart him.
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