The Mongolian is the most notorious to the British, but originally they were the biggest empire in the history of the world. It was feared and for a good reason, They could have been even larger if their attempt to push into Gaza, Egypt was successful. The Mongolian empire is the most interesting to me, the were skilled with horseback riding and using bows while riding them, they were the only nation able to do that.
The were the fastest growing empire in the history of the world, it had nearly tripled in size in less than 10 years and was growing even more. Mongolia had spread to China and South Korea. And even pushed into Europe, having lands in modern day Ukraine and every European nation was attempting to stop them. The empire expanded even more into the Middle East and at this point it was beginning to stagnate, it tried to expand into Japan and their army died from a monsoon...twice. and it couldn't grow anymore. It tried to expand into Indonesia and still failed. Soon the Empire split up into the Golden Horde, Yuan Dynasty, and Timurid Empire. The Yuan Dynasty was the last remaining fragment of the Mongolian Empire and fell later on, thus ending Mongolian reign over China.
Test Blog
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
Poland and Lithuania have an interesting history together, they were once the biggest European nation in it's prime, until corruption overtook the nation and signaled its downfall and fell to the surrounding empires.Poland and Lithuania were extensive nations in their prime. Poland Stretched from the city of Gdansk all the way to Moldova. Lithuania, the bigger of the two grew from a giant power pool left by the Mongolians, this allowed Lithuania to become gigantic, even nearing the capital of Russia, Moscow.
Poland like every country during that time was a monarchy, Lithuania who was close allies to Poland eventually fell under a personal union. the two countries would soon unite after 80 or so years and it seemed like it would survive a long time, as it was pushing back Russia and taking lands it lost back from them. However their government was what doomed the empire. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had a Elective Monarchy, basically the government voted the king, you can sorta see the problem. The government got corrupt around the 1780's and they had to choose between to people and they honestly chose the terrible one, as they got richer because of it, this lead to the nation being very weak and soon Russia, Prussia and Austria annexed land from them. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was no more. In the modern world Poland and Lithuania are still allies but no one is sure if they still want what they were before.
Poland like every country during that time was a monarchy, Lithuania who was close allies to Poland eventually fell under a personal union. the two countries would soon unite after 80 or so years and it seemed like it would survive a long time, as it was pushing back Russia and taking lands it lost back from them. However their government was what doomed the empire. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had a Elective Monarchy, basically the government voted the king, you can sorta see the problem. The government got corrupt around the 1780's and they had to choose between to people and they honestly chose the terrible one, as they got richer because of it, this lead to the nation being very weak and soon Russia, Prussia and Austria annexed land from them. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was no more. In the modern world Poland and Lithuania are still allies but no one is sure if they still want what they were before.
Friday, March 31, 2017
How Portugal Could've Been The Greatest and Richest Superpower
Portugal during it's prime was a pretty big empire, it controlled all of modern day Brazil, but what was most interesting is that it had so many trading posts and this made the country rich. However Portugal, if it had been more assertive it would've been a superpower and would rival the British Empire at it's height. Portugal had a long desire to push into Africa and it failed, but what if it did?
Morocco was a rival of Portugal and always fought each other over the city of Tangiers, so let's say Portugal defeats Morocco, this would give the Portuguese a major victory and would instill imperialism inside the country, and then they would colonize Africa and the Americas.
That is one way they could've became a great power, but there was a slim chance it actually could've in our world. During it's height Portugal did have lots of trading post and did make an empire out of itself, however it always second guessed itself and this led to it not gaining any land (except for the lands given to it via Great Britain in the 1900's. Portugal wanted to push deeper into Africa as it had small colonies along the coast, little did they know, there was gold and if they had pushed into Africa, they would have dominated any opponent that stood in their way, there was gold and diamonds and it would've boosted Portugal's economy. Had Portugal Followed that Route, Portugal would be more of a superpower because of the lands it had gained in Africa, the Middle East and India and this would make Portugal a more extensive empire, one that would be feared. No one knows for certain what Portugal would've grown to become, sadly that is the curiosity of alternate history and will forever be.
Morocco was a rival of Portugal and always fought each other over the city of Tangiers, so let's say Portugal defeats Morocco, this would give the Portuguese a major victory and would instill imperialism inside the country, and then they would colonize Africa and the Americas.
That is one way they could've became a great power, but there was a slim chance it actually could've in our world. During it's height Portugal did have lots of trading post and did make an empire out of itself, however it always second guessed itself and this led to it not gaining any land (except for the lands given to it via Great Britain in the 1900's. Portugal wanted to push deeper into Africa as it had small colonies along the coast, little did they know, there was gold and if they had pushed into Africa, they would have dominated any opponent that stood in their way, there was gold and diamonds and it would've boosted Portugal's economy. Had Portugal Followed that Route, Portugal would be more of a superpower because of the lands it had gained in Africa, the Middle East and India and this would make Portugal a more extensive empire, one that would be feared. No one knows for certain what Portugal would've grown to become, sadly that is the curiosity of alternate history and will forever be.
The Roman Empire
The Roman Empire, a name that will forever be carved in European History, from the lands of Lothian, United Kingdom to Baghdad of Iraq. Perhaps the most advanced empire for its time, steel armor, the gladius sword, and the shield and this empire expanded fast throughout it time as a nation. At first it was a small city and then defeated the empire of Carthage and this set up the Roman Empire to becoming what it was in our history.
The Roman Empire after defeating Carthage in the Punic Wars, the young empire started expanding in modern day Spain, defeating all the barbarians in that area and then asserted into Europe even more, eventually taking Spain and spreading into Greece. The Roman Empire soon declared war on the Gauls and they managed to put up quite a fight against the Romans. However, the Romans still managed to beat them and now all of Modern day France was now a part of the empire. In the Balkans the Romans still expanded and was around a few hundred miles from what is now called Istanbul. The Romans eventually took Constantinople from the Greek city-states and now pushed into Asia, as far back as modern day Kuwait. They lost some land to the Parthians and got pushed back. Meanwhile in Egypt the Romans had all of Northern Africa, dealing with Cleopatra and her Egyptian nation. The Romans had a connected empire and still the giant was still desiring land and went up as far as modern day Crimea and the city of Azov. The Romans also expanded in modern day England and tried to push upwards into Scotland but were pushed back and eventually the Hadrian Wall was built to protect the lands the Romans already had on the isles. The empire was soon split up and the western part of the empire collapsed due to barbarians and now only the Byzantine empire was left and would last til 1453. The Roman Empire technically lasted from 453 b.c. to 1453 A.D from a date of its prime to experiencing the age of colonization.
The Roman Empire after defeating Carthage in the Punic Wars, the young empire started expanding in modern day Spain, defeating all the barbarians in that area and then asserted into Europe even more, eventually taking Spain and spreading into Greece. The Roman Empire soon declared war on the Gauls and they managed to put up quite a fight against the Romans. However, the Romans still managed to beat them and now all of Modern day France was now a part of the empire. In the Balkans the Romans still expanded and was around a few hundred miles from what is now called Istanbul. The Romans eventually took Constantinople from the Greek city-states and now pushed into Asia, as far back as modern day Kuwait. They lost some land to the Parthians and got pushed back. Meanwhile in Egypt the Romans had all of Northern Africa, dealing with Cleopatra and her Egyptian nation. The Romans had a connected empire and still the giant was still desiring land and went up as far as modern day Crimea and the city of Azov. The Romans also expanded in modern day England and tried to push upwards into Scotland but were pushed back and eventually the Hadrian Wall was built to protect the lands the Romans already had on the isles. The empire was soon split up and the western part of the empire collapsed due to barbarians and now only the Byzantine empire was left and would last til 1453. The Roman Empire technically lasted from 453 b.c. to 1453 A.D from a date of its prime to experiencing the age of colonization.
Will China become a Republic Once More?
China today is a communist nation, where the central government has all the power. However, China has an economic system that seems to represent a democracy. However it will be it's own type of democracy, more unique compared to the USA. However a republic wouldn't suit China as of today because there is so many poor areas that need to be improved and it harms the economy of China.
China's economic system isn't exactly like the United States, it is still monitored majorly by the government, but people are having some to little involvement in the economy. However people are having more of a say within the economy and it is making have a more capitalist structure and this is one of the major components for a democracy to form. In the Chinese Constitution it talks about democracy twice, stating how its goal is to form or develop a socialist democracy, no one knows how long this will take but it's one of their goals as a nation. This could take around 30 to 50 years as people are having more of a say, but due to poor areas and regions within the country it makes it harder to become or have a democratic government. Democracy has never been a fundamental part within Chinese history, there have only been celestial monarchy's to totalitarian regimes to a Communist regime, all of these have 1 ultimate ruler. No one will ever know when China will become a democracy, but when it does it could only make the sleeping giant even deadlier.
China's economic system isn't exactly like the United States, it is still monitored majorly by the government, but people are having some to little involvement in the economy. However people are having more of a say within the economy and it is making have a more capitalist structure and this is one of the major components for a democracy to form. In the Chinese Constitution it talks about democracy twice, stating how its goal is to form or develop a socialist democracy, no one knows how long this will take but it's one of their goals as a nation. This could take around 30 to 50 years as people are having more of a say, but due to poor areas and regions within the country it makes it harder to become or have a democratic government. Democracy has never been a fundamental part within Chinese history, there have only been celestial monarchy's to totalitarian regimes to a Communist regime, all of these have 1 ultimate ruler. No one will ever know when China will become a democracy, but when it does it could only make the sleeping giant even deadlier.
The Japanese Empire
The Japanese empire is quite notorious during World War II, and was put down by the Allies and the United States. The Japanese empire bombed the territory of Hawaii, in a area called Pear Harbor and this woke up the "Sleeping Giant" and by September 2, 1945, thus ending the Japanese Empire.
The Japanese Empire was the first modern Asian nation and it used that advantage to grow its empire. During this time Japan only controlled the lands it controls today. Japan wanted to gain Korea from the Qing Dynasty and at this point it was beginning to crumble, so Japan wanted to capitalize off of that weakness. So the countries fought each other and the Japanese had guns and the Qing Dynasty had some, but not enough so they were vastly outnumbered in the new technological weaponry. Japan won the war against the Qing Dynasty and gained all of Korea and Taiwan in the process. Japan was now a great power in the world, but in Asia alone was the only superpower (Not including Russia as an Asian nation). In 1905 hostilities began to ensue between the Russian Empire and Japan. Japan declared war on Russia, many thought that the Russians would win, but surprisingly the Japanese fought them back. Russia surrendered soon after, Russia lost a part of the Island of Sakhalin and in the process lost legitimacy among the people. The year is 1914 and World War I has broke out and chaos was ensuing in Europe, before 1905 Japan and the British Empire had signed for an alliance, due to the alliance system, Japan asked Great Britain if they wanted help could they join, the British agreed and the Japanese got prepared for war and helped the British on numerous occasions, especially in the Arabian Sea and near Indonesia. WW1 ended and Japan gained small islands that further extended its lands, dozens of small islands were handed to the Japanese, but this would prove dangerous for the United States during World War II. In 1933 the Second Sino-Japanese War had begun and this time Japan moved deeper into China, making puppets out of Manchuko and Mengkukuo, as during this time China had broken apart and there was doubt about the future of China as a country. Japan moved in, to signify its role in the world but this time, China had the same technology. Japan stilled moved deeper and deeper into China and was gaining a surplus amount of land. The U.S stopped trading with Japan and Japan needed America for it's oil, America also froze all Japanese assets, which what's interesting to me is that doing that action is considered breaking an international law. Japan's army halted, still pushing but not at a rate they used to. The year is 1941 and Europe is in flames because of World War II and Japan committed an act "that would live in infamy". This action would cause the end of the Japanese empire and is the largest Maritime Asian Empire in history, but in the present day it pushes for peace above all.

Monday, March 27, 2017
For Honor: The Shugoki (Lore) and What I Love About Him
The Shugoki is a fearsome samurai, big in size and wields a weapon no other man can wield. The weapon is difficult for him to even pick up, but that doesn't mean he can't use it effectively. when faced with a enemy the Shugoki swings his weapon, with such ferocity that the enemy can't block his attack and has been known to charge at someone and break their spine. It shows how powerful he is and he does this all because he wants to preserve peace.
Shugoki should be feared on the battlefield with good reason, everyone should be aware that he will not back down until he draws his last breath.
I personally think Shugoki is amazing when you play as him, but you have to play smart. One fatal mistake, such as missing a charge and the enemy can win, but that doesn't mean you can't use it, you just have to be aware of the area around you. You have to use architecture and walls to your advantage, shove an enemy into the wall and charge and watch the magic happen. Always be passive-aggressive, be passive and wait for the enemy to make a mistake and parry their attack then assert your aggressiveness. This will show the opponent that you are meant to be feared on the battle field, patience is the victor, as you can capitalize off your opponents mistake and can make them second guess themselves, and that is when you can play mind games with your opponent. If played in the right hands, Shugoki is capable of almost anything. Slow in speed, but punishes those who think they can outsmart him.
Shugoki should be feared on the battlefield with good reason, everyone should be aware that he will not back down until he draws his last breath.
I personally think Shugoki is amazing when you play as him, but you have to play smart. One fatal mistake, such as missing a charge and the enemy can win, but that doesn't mean you can't use it, you just have to be aware of the area around you. You have to use architecture and walls to your advantage, shove an enemy into the wall and charge and watch the magic happen. Always be passive-aggressive, be passive and wait for the enemy to make a mistake and parry their attack then assert your aggressiveness. This will show the opponent that you are meant to be feared on the battle field, patience is the victor, as you can capitalize off your opponents mistake and can make them second guess themselves, and that is when you can play mind games with your opponent. If played in the right hands, Shugoki is capable of almost anything. Slow in speed, but punishes those who think they can outsmart him.
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