Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Mongolian Empire

  The Mongolian is the most notorious to the British, but originally they were the biggest empire in the history of the world. It was feared and for a good reason, They could have been even larger if their attempt to push into Gaza, Egypt was successful. The Mongolian empire is the most interesting to me, the were skilled with horseback riding and using bows while riding them, they were the only nation able to do that.
  The were the fastest growing empire in the history of the world, it had nearly tripled in size in less than 10 years and was growing even more. Mongolia had spread to China and South Korea. And even pushed into Europe, having lands in modern day Ukraine and every European nation was attempting to stop them. The empire expanded even more into the Middle East and at this point it was beginning to stagnate, it tried to expand into Japan and their army died from a monsoon...twice. and it couldn't grow anymore. It tried to expand into Indonesia and still failed. Soon the Empire split up into the Golden Horde, Yuan Dynasty, and Timurid Empire. The Yuan Dynasty was the last remaining fragment of the Mongolian Empire and fell later on, thus ending Mongolian reign over China.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

 Poland and Lithuania have an interesting history together, they were once the biggest European nation in it's prime, until corruption overtook the nation and signaled its downfall and fell to the surrounding empires.Poland and Lithuania were extensive nations in their prime. Poland Stretched from the city of Gdansk all the way to Moldova. Lithuania, the bigger of the two grew from a giant power pool left by the Mongolians, this allowed Lithuania to become gigantic, even nearing the capital of Russia, Moscow.
Poland like every country during that time was a monarchy, Lithuania who was close allies to Poland eventually fell under a personal union. the two countries would soon unite after 80 or so years and it seemed like it would survive a long time, as it was pushing back Russia and taking lands it lost back from them. However their government was what doomed the empire. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth had a Elective Monarchy, basically the government voted the king, you can sorta see the problem. The government got corrupt around the 1780's and they had to choose between to people and they honestly chose the terrible one, as they got richer because of it, this lead to the nation being very weak and soon Russia, Prussia and Austria annexed land from them. The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was no more. In the modern world Poland and Lithuania are still allies but no one is sure if they still want what they were before.